We are a socially responsible company, paying special attention to people with limited resources to improve their living conditions. That is why we have carried out activities, where our staff was involved and have dedicated their time and work to support projects and improve the adverse social conditions of some people.
We are proud to know that we can contribute to the corporate social responsibility program, student scholarships to children and young people who are the future of our country. We support and promote sport. We are convinced that sport is a factor of change for society, which plants important values of life since childhood, such as: teamwork, reward for effort, fulfillment of dreams, companionship and competitiveness, among others. That is why we have sponsored cycling and supported races for changing lives.
Our constant support for different projects involves:
- AYUVI Foundation, saving children with cancer.
- Cometa Foundation: support for scholarships for Our Holy Family, Child Care Center – Races for changing a live.
- Guatemalan Foundation for Human Promotion, granting scholarships to children of the San Judas Tadeo School and supporting the different projects of children to motivate and improve their school development.
- Mountain Bike Races: El Rey de los Cerros, El Reto del Quetzal, Punto a Punto, Katmandu, Imperio Cackchicquel.
- Projects in conjunction with other companies, such as The Dow Chemical Co. when national emergencies have arisen, and we have been able to provide our support to contribute to the reconstruction and relief of the needs caused by natural disasters.